No1 : Nova Scotia’s Best Accounting Firm

+1 (902) 580-3321

(Mon - Fri)

Mail us for help:

600 Bedford Highway

Suite 234, Halifax, NS B3M 2L8, Canada

Accurate Accounting for Financial Clarity

Our professional accounting services are designed to help you make informed financial decisions. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of industry standards, we ensure your financial records are maintained accurately. From balancing your books to generating financial statements, trust Dean & Associates to keep your financial house in order.

Our Accounting Services

Accounts Reconciliation
Accounts Reconciliation
Tax Planning and Compliance
Tax Planning and Compliance
Budgeting and Forecasting
Budgeting and Forecasting
Debt Planning and Reduction
Debt Planning and Reduction
Cash Flow Statement Analysis
Cash Flow Statement Analysis
Balance Sheet Maintenance
Balance Sheet Maintenance

What Makes Us Stand Out

At Dean & Associates, we take pride in our commitment to excellence and client satisfaction. 

Here’s what sets us apart:

Personalised Approach

Our team of highly skilled accountants brings a wealth of experience to the table. We stay up-to-date with the latest accounting regulations and industry best practices to provide you with the most accurate and reliable financial services.

Personalised Approach

Our team of highly skilled accountants brings a wealth of experience to the table. We stay up-to-date with the latest accounting regulations and industry best practices to provide you with the most accurate and reliable financial services.

Year-Round Availability

We recognize that every client has unique financial needs. Our accounting services are tailored to meet your specific requirements, ensuring that you get the most out of our expertise.

Year-Round Availability

We recognize that every client has unique financial needs. Our accounting services are tailored to meet your specific requirements, ensuring that you get the most out of our expertise.

Local Knowledge

As a Halifax-based firm, we have a deep understanding of the local tax regulations and business dynamics. This means you receive advice and guidance that's perfectly suited to your situation.

Local Knowledge

As a Halifax-based firm, we have a deep understanding of the local tax regulations and business dynamics. This means you receive advice and guidance that's perfectly suited to your situation.

Timely Reporting

We understand the value of time in business. Our accounting services are designed to provide you with timely and accurate financial information, giving you the insights you need when you need them.

Timely Reporting

We understand the value of time in business. Our accounting services are designed to provide you with timely and accurate financial information, giving you the insights you need when you need them.


Dean & Associates is distinguished by our expertise, personalised approach, deep local knowledge, and commitment to timely reporting. We understand that each client is unique and tailor our services accordingly.
Our accounting services ensure accurate financial records, providing the foundation for informed financial decisions and planning. We help balance your books, prepare financial statements, and offer expert financial analysis.
Absolutely. We offer our accounting expertise to individuals and businesses of all sizes. Our services are adaptable to meet the needs of both groups.
Yes, we serve a wide range of industries, including small businesses, healthcare, legal and professional services, retail, manufacturing, and nonprofits. Our expertise extends to understanding industry-specific financial needs and regulations.
It's easy to get started. Simply contact our team, and we'll arrange a consultation to discuss your specific financial needs. We'll work together to create a tailored plan for your financial success.

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