No1 : Nova Scotia’s Best Accounting Firm

+1 (902) 580-3321

(Mon - Fri)

Mail us for help:

600 Bedford Highway

Suite 234, Halifax, NS B3M 2L8, Canada

About us

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At Dean and Associates Inc, we believe in more than just numbers; we believe in the power of financial excellence. With a rich history of academic achievements and a strong commitment to delivering top-notch financial services, we are your trusted financial partner.

We take a hands-on and personalised approach to your financial success. Your financial goals are our mission, and we pride ourselves on the relationships we build with our clients. Whether you’re an individual seeking tax expertise or a business in search of comprehensive financial solutions, Dean and Associates Inc is your trusted partner.

Vision Mission

Our vision extends beyond mere number-crunching; it encompasses a commitment to guiding our clients towards a brighter financial future. 

To deliver expert financial services, foster growth, and ensure peace of mind for our clients through personalised, reliable, and innovative solutions.

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