No1 : Nova Scotia’s Best Accounting Firm

+1 (902) 580-3321

(Mon - Fri)

Mail us for help:

600 Bedford Highway

Suite 234, Halifax, NS B3M 2L8, Canada

Our Team

Our Expert Team

Meet the Brains Behind Your Financial Success

We’ve assembled a team of dedicated professionals who share a commitment of delivering exceptional financial services. With a wealth of experience working with large firms, conducting auditing engagements, and providing expert tax preparation, our team is well-equipped to handle your financial needs.


Naomi Dean

Naomi Dean, a top graduate of Mount Saint Vincent University's BBA program, leads Dean and Associates. Her commitment to excellence is unmatched, exemplified by her numerous academic and professional awards. Naomi Dean embodies our dedication to client success.
Sanket Vasa (Accountant)


Sanket is our dedicated problem solver, handling client interactions and leading the team at Dean & Associates. With a background in commerce and human resource management, his passion for business growth and client success drives our firm. He excels at understanding client needs, making the onboarding process smooth.

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